Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care emphasizes the relationship between the entire musculoskeletal system. Vertebrae, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons are all compromised by inflammatory forces due to what we consume. Our food in America has been manipulated by chronic disease-causing chemicals, and on average we eat about 1 ton of food per year. When our joints and muscles become overridden with toxins, it causes the musculoskeletal system to slowly degrade, requiring a holistic approach to regain and maintain overall health and well-being. By aligning the spine and restoring the range of motion that our bodies were created to have, it permits normal functionality to occur. Chiropractic adjustments/manipulations help alleviate pain, improve mobility, and expedite the recovery process when healing from truama. Whether you are dealing with acute pain, long time dysfunction or just looking to improve your overall health, chiropractic care is one of the few non-invasive practices in medicine that can provide immediate relief and sustained relief in a short period of time.

Corrective Exercises


Depending on an individuals specific pathophysiology, biochemistry, microbiome and environmental (food and water) toxic exposure, there may be individuals where chiropractic adjustments may not be enough to completely resolve their debilitating dysfunction. Through years of having a sedentary lifestyle, often times compensation and assymetry between various muscle groups (ie. internal/external oblique muscles and gluteus medius muscle on the right side may be shortened and underactive/atrophied) will occur. This will begin a cascade of joint pain and discomfort. The muscles will eventually begin to rotate and pull one's posture in unwanted directions in a minuscule manner that most will not notice, proceeding oto eventually incorporate an incorrect gait pattern. This is all a recipe for disaster. To thrive and recover from years of misuse and neglect, it may require a combination of chiropractic, corrective exercises, dietary modifications, and other modalities that we utilize in the clinic.

Active Release Technique


When our soft tissues become chronically inflamed through immune system disregulation (e.g. cytokine storms) or traumatic injuries, it can lead to tissue adhesions and scar tissue. Active release technique has the doctor apply specified pressure into the specific muscle and/or tendon that is affected, and proceed to stretch the muscle belly in an attempt to restore proper function and mobility. This often times will lead to a relief of symptoms including sciatica, shoulder pain and a myriad of other ailments. Combining this treatment with chiropractic manipulations allows our patients to heal at a much faster rate. The results of peer reviewed studies have shown the effectiveness of ART in tandem with chiropractic.

Cupping Therapy

When dealing with chronic injuries, stiffness, muscle compensation/asymmetry, and muscle atrophy, improving blood flow to the targeted area can prove to be vital. These areas are being deprived of adequate nutrients and oxygen through the blood stream, so modalities that can assist in rectifying the root cause of the musculoskeletal dysfunction can increase the rate of recovery and allow patients to feel significantly better on their path to equilibrium. Cupping therapy increases blood flow to the area(s) where each cup is placed, stimulating the immune system and localizing blood flow. Especially when applied in a functional manner through specific movements.

Dr. Anthony Peterson

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Cracked Chiropractic - Folsom

13405 Folsom Blvd, 509
Folsom, CA

(916) 251-3167

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Cracked Chiropractic - Roseville/Granite Bay

5220 Douglas Blvd,
Granite Bay, CA

(838) CRA-CKED

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Cracked Chiropractic - Sacramento

5667 Freeport Blvd,
Sacramento, CA


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